KB Packaging want you to use less packaging, which we know might surprise you or even shock you, that a packaging company wants YOU the consumer to use less packaging.
You see the thing is, we are packaging experts and have worked within the packaging industry for over 30 years, that kind of knowledge and experience can help to make substancial changes to the packaging industry, ensure the packaging you use works for your business, and has a lower impact on the environment and understand how to better use the packaging that you need to protect and distribute.
We want to be honest with you, you may not be using the right size box, the right size bag or even the thinnest plastic.
By making changes to these packaging fauxpars, you will be making better use of the packaging you use, protecting your products, protecting your brand and reducing your impact on the environment.
Sometimes, less really is more.
Plastic, Wood & Metal can usually be re-used a few times, why are we advising you reuse? The reusing of certain materials certainly significantly reduces the amount of waste which ends up in landfill, it also reduces the amount of raw materials used and reduces the amount of fuel used in the production of making new products and transporting them… So reusing greatly will benefit the environment, which is something we all need to be considering, the Plastic Packaging Tax, for example, is influencing the way the industry is thinking and how businesses manage the packaging they use.
Not a lot of people know or understand the process of recycling, or even how or where to recycle properly. We believe the key to reducing any impact to the environment, is to better educate and lead by example. Most packaging IS recyclable and just needs to merely be separated and sorted, however this, for some businesses, can be timely, and especially to businesses. We can give advice on products like; eco tape that won’t need to be separated from your boxes, it can be disposed of straight into your recycling waste. And we have other solutions that will benefit your businesses efficiency while also enhancing your positive impact on the environment.
What we want to achieve is for businesses to know which packaging is right for them, the materials that are in the packaging they use, how to manage the packaging they use and how to reduce their impact on the environment, while remaining as efficient if not more efficient.
Industries and processes are changing quicker than ever before, influenced by government incentives like the Plastic Packaging Tax, sustainability meaning more to the culture of their business, and not only a box to tick, there has been a change in consumer mindset and habit, the importance of a businesses brand message, ethos and how they communicate to the customer or prospect, and the list goes on.
We are here to support your business in exploring the packaging options available, because we’re KB Packaging, we are the packaging experts.