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Layflat Tubing

KB Packaging stock a good range of polythene lay flat tubing in three different gauges starting from 250g (62.5 microns), 500g (125 microns) and up to 1000g (250 microns).

Supplied on rolls it’s a great packaging solution for long length items such as blinds, carpets and tubing. Alternatively, lay flat tubing can be made into custom-sized bags when used with a heat sealer.

Bespoke printed lay flat tubing in different widths and thicknesses are available by contacting KB Packaging on 0115 944 1600.

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Which width do I need for my product?

When you are selecting layflat tubing for tubular items please note that a 100mm width tubing will not fit a 100mm diameter item. The width of layflat tubing is the laid-flat width. Calculating the required width calculation is simple.

Diameter of item X 3.14 / 2 = The exact width required.

Fitting an exact width tubing over an item is difficult see we suggest you always select the next size up.

eg. For a 200mm diameter item would need a 350mm width layflat.

KB Packaging