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Woven Polypropylene Sacks

KB Packaging stocks a good range of white multi-purpose woven polypropylene sacks. These heavy-duty sacks are strong and split resistant, making them an ideal sack for bulky or heavy components. 100% recyclable.

Bespoke printing of up to 4 colours on our woven polypropylene sacks is available by contacting KB Packaging on 0115 944 1600.

Our woven polypropylene sacks are available in a range of sizes and within this category, we also stock a white heavy-duty bulk bag with forklift handles. This type of bulk bag is also known as a tonne bag.

Plastic coated sack ties to secure your woven sacks are also available from KB Packaging.

Woven sacks

Woven polypropylene sacks are a generic, versatile packaging product suitable for a range of applications, including food products, powdered chemicals; shredding, waste and building materials. KB Packaging supplies various PP sacks in a range of sizes and shapes to suit domestic and industrial needs.
Our woven sacks have been designed especially for heavy-duty use. They are ideal for use in transit and as packaging for heavy and sharp items that would typically burst standard polythene bags such as building materials, rubble and metal.

Manufactured from polypropylene, which has an additional polymer in its compound to give extra strength, these bags are incredibly strong and hard-wearing so can be reused over and over again.

The woven polypropylene sacks have a single-fold bottom stitch and the top hemmed stitch (hemming) for extra heavy-duty strength and also to prevent the bag from tearing.

The sacks are white in colour and come in a range of sizes to suit various applications. The sacks come in quantities of 50 – 100 per pack, and because of the bags’ industrial application, they do not have an adhesive seal and need to be closed using cable ties, sack ties or staples.


Are woven polypropylene bags recyclable?

Polypropylene (PP) is one of the safer plastics.
Woven PP is exceptionally strong and durable, so reusing it as many times as possible is even more environmentally friendly than sending it straight to a recycling centre.

Where to recycle woven polypropylene bags?

Polypropylene can be recycled but every council has its own policies, so confirm this with your local authority. Polypropylene products are often labelled with a “5” inside a recycling triangle.

Are woven polypropylene bags waterproof?

Tightly woven polypropylene is highly water-repellent and weatherproof. However, because it is breathable, moisture from the air can still enter unless an additional coating or waterproof repellent is applied.

KB Packaging