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Document Wallets

Affix document wallets are used for securing documents to your parcels. A clear, self-adhesive wallet ensures your documents arrive safely with your goods.

The peel and seal back enable quick and easy use and they stick firmly to all your cartons and parcels.

Choose from a range of sizes either with or without printing. The printed document wallets are printed with the words’ DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED at the top of the wallet.

KB Packaging also stocks self-adhesive A6 printed document enclosed pouches on a roll.

Keep important documents clean and safe with specialist ‘documents enclosed’ wallets. These plastic document holders have a self-adhesive back which can be secured to packages. They’re available in 5 sizes with either ‘Documents Enclosed’ printed in black on red or unprinted.

Affix™ Clear sticky-backed document-enclosed wallet, allowing instant identification of packaging contents without opening, as well as ensuring your documents arrive securely.
Available as either plain or printed with “DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED” in black, on a red background.
These wallets are ideal for holding a large range of documentation, including invoices, consignment notes, delivery notes and packing slips.
Due to the self-adhesive backing and its water resistance, you can rest assured that your important documentation is fully secured to the outside of your packaging, whether it be made from cardboard, polythene, wood, metal or stretch film.


  • Affix™ Printed Documents Wallet.
  • Affix™ products are manufactured to a high-performance specification.
  • Clear polythene wallet or printed with the words’ DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED’.
  • Used to attach documents and paperwork to parcels.
  • Waterproof and resistant to tears keep the documents protected.
  • Self-adhesive peel-off backing makes them easy to apply.
  • Strong permanent adhesive bond.
  • Window panel for clear identification.
  • 1000 wallets per case. (500 in A4 Size)

KB Packaging