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Industrial Wiping Roll

Industrial wiping roll for use in a wide range of applications. In a world of warehousing and manufacturing, efficiency, cleanliness, and productivity are paramount.
Our Industrial Wiping Roll is designed to tackle even the toughest spills and messes. With its high-absorbency technology, it soaks up liquids quickly and efficiently, ensuring your workspace stays clean and safe. Whether it’s oil, grease, water, or chemicals, this wiping roll is up to the task.
From wiping down machinery to cleaning spills and maintaining a tidy workspace, our Industrial Wiping Roll is incredibly versatile. It’s suitable for a wide range of applications, ensuring that it’s an invaluable addition to your toolkit.
We care about the environment, and our Industrial Wiping Roll reflects that commitment. It’s made from sustainable materials and is designed to minimise waste. You can be confident that you’re making an eco-conscious choice for your business.

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