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Edge Protection

KB Packaging stocks the Ocean Green range of reusable foam protection and Cardboard corners which are designed to protect the edges of furniture, worktops, doors and shelving.

The foam is non-abrasive that offers high-impact protection. It can easily be cut down to the required size using a safety knife.

KB Packaging supplies in Ocean Green the “L” shaped, “U” shaped and “O” shaped profiles plus a protection foam designed specifically for glass. Our “L”,“U” and “O” shaped profiles are supplied as 2m lengths.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a differently shaped foam profile or a foam corner protector please contact KB Packaging on 0115 944 1600.

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Ocean Green Foam Profile

Our Eco-Friendly Ocean Green Foam Profiles provide protection for the edges and corners of all kinds of items to be packaged. All the foam profiles are green in colour, and the foam itself is made from 100% recycled materials, and it is 100% recyclable. The foam can be easily cut with a knife to the exact size you need. Many profiles are also available on a roll for high-volume users.

Card Corner Profile

Our Eco-Friendly range of card corners is manufactured from 100% recycled paper and can be 100% recycled. In addition to the stock range, these corners can be manufactured at any length.

KB Packaging