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Woven & Composite Strapping

Woven Polyester Strapping – Strong as steel and as soft as fabric.

Manufactured from polyester fibres, our woven strapping offers unparalleled strength and resilience. It provides a reliable and cost-effective alternative to traditional strapping such as steel. The unique woven construction ensures exceptional tension retention, preventing any slippage or stretching during transit.

Narrostrap is a premium brand of strapping that is woven from high-quality polyester yarns.

This product is as strong as steel but is 6 times lighter. Not only is it incredibly strong, but it’s very light to handle which means it’s easy on your hands and product too. It has up to an 1100 kg breaking strain. An ideal product for the timber industry.

KB Packaging stocks Narrostrap woven polyester strapping in white in 6 different dimensions ranging from 9mm up to 25mm. Plus, we supply all the strapping tools and accessories to re-tension your Narrostrap.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a custom printed Narrostrap with your company name please contact KB Packaging on 0115 944 1600.

KB Packaging