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SKU STK-KU9120 Category

Paper Roll Kraft-Union 900mm x 100m 120gsm

Paper Roll Kraft-Union 900mm x 100m 120gsm

£45.00 Ex VAT

Price per Roll

38 in stock

14 day returns

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Product Specification

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 mm



This high tear and puncture resistant paper has a bitumen laminate as a layer between two sheets of Kraft paper. This bitumen laminate will provide a moisture and waterproof barrier. Test data for this product shows that the resistance to water penetration is 16 hours minimum.


This Kraft Union paper roll measures 900mm x 100m and is 120gsm thick.


Please note that this product is not recyclable.

KB Packaging