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Postal Mailer Jiffy Ocean Kraft 300mm x 445mm

Postal Mailer Jiffy Ocean Kraft 300mm x 445mm

Postal Mailer Kraft 300mm x 445mm

£28.21 Ex VAT

Price per Box 100

38 in stock

14 day returns

Most orders delivered next business day

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Product Specification

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 mm







Pack Qty



A high-performance bubble-lined mailer, with uncoated FSC-certified paper and recycled content bubble, designed with both environmental and sustainability considerations without compromising performance.

The high-performance construction offers stiffness, tear-resistance and impermeability for your items during shipping.

The new paper contains up to 100% recycled fibres, including 80% recycled paper obtained from our homes (PCR)! Newspapers, brochures etc.

Why chose the Jiffy Ocean bubble-lined mailers?

  • Appealing recycled image for environmentally conscious consumers
  • Up to 100% recycled content and 80% post-consumer waste
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of the envelope by using recycled paper
  • Reducing deforestation – Recycling just 1 ton of waste paper saves as many as 17 trees
  • The recycling process allows for 70% less energy and water consumption than production from pulp


Postal Mailer Kraft 300mm x 445mm

KB Packaging