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SKU TECHNOPLAT-2000 Category

Robopac Technoplat 2000 Automatic Wrapping Machine

Robopac Technoplat 2000 Automatic Wrapping Machine

£19,995.00 Ex VAT

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Product Specification

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 mm


Technoplat 2000 is a high-performance, highly automated wrapping station for an end-of-line packaging. The design, materials and dedicated software applied to developing this in-line wrapping machine are based on the highests standards of quality and safety.

The high stiffness of the frame, along with the resistance and reliability of all rotating parts, controls and functions guarantees top efficiency and durability even in arsh working conditions. Technoplat 2000 is the answer to industrial requirements for high productivity.

  • R-Connect System
  • Multilevel Control
  • Saving film thanks to the carriage with powered pre-stretch
  • Adjustable remote control panel
  • Photocell pallet loading
  • Motorized rollers turntable
  • Medium Productivity – wraps up to 25 pallets/hour

Turntable Basement

  • Motorized high load capacity roller conveyor on base plate, max peripheral speed 15 m/min standard version, 76 mm diameter rollers, 1100 mm work length, 120 mm pitch, tangent. Heavy duty chain transmits motion on the lower side of the rollers. Standard air blowers for tail treatment.

Clamping & cutting device with spreading system (or welding in option)

  • Technoplat 2000 is equipped with automatic clamp, cutting and spreading or welding unit . Feature allows a perfect automatic sealing of the film tail at the end of each cycle, layout allows perfect adaptability to virtually any load profile. Film clamping unit with automatic tilt to optimize stretch wrapping at the base of the load.

KB Packaging