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SMART (Stock Management and Reporting Tool) is our fully customised, mobile stock control portal, designed to help you manage your consignment stock and keep track of orders and invoices, ensuring hassle-free inventory management, streamlined delivery scheduling and easy invoice reporting.

To find out more about SMART and how it can help your business, contact us on 0115 944 1600

Did you know?

We also advise on packaging design and solutions, ensuring your goods are delivered in despatch ready condition.

Please feel free to contact us with any queries or requests. We’d love to hear from you.

Read about the other USPs that make KB Packaging so brilliant

Exceptional Customer Service

Our great service is delivered by an exceptional team that genuinely cares and regularly goes the extra mile to solve our customers’ problems.


You are the experts in your business. We’re experts in packaging. Together we can ensure your packaging is one thing you don’t need to worry about.

Account Management

Our dedicated account management team works with customers to ensure their current and future packaging requirements are managed as efficiently as possible.


We welcome the opportunity to find improved solutions for your everyday packaging needs. We work closely with our suppliers to identify the latest developments and innovations in packaging design and materials.


Not every packaging requirement can be met with a standard product. We can design and deliver bespoke solutions for any product, regardless of material, size, shape, weight or fragility.

KB Packaging