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What is Extended Producer Responsibility?


EPR 2025, What is it and how will it impact your business?

Extended Producer Responsibility is in place with an aim of putting greater responsibility onto businesses and how they manage their packaging waste. The result of putting EPR in place is businesses will bear a greater responsibility for what their packaging costs the environment, and how they offset the cost of recycling into the UK waste system, rather than concern on the way you are disposing of your waste the empasis is on the packaging you are handling as a business..

Key Points:

  • EPR concerns the amount of packaging which a business handles, it’s sustainability throughout the supply chain and how it is disposed of.
  • Businesses must calculate the packaging waste they create, and then fund its recycling within the UK.

Who does this impact?

  • Businesses that have an annual turnover that is exceeding £1 million 
  • Are you handling more than 25 tonnes of packaging per year? If you are, you are eligible for EPR.

What about smaller businesses?

Those that are below the threshold are not required to register. However it is important that smaller businesses do monitor packaging usage and check annually their packaging waste.

If you are under the thresholds you will not need to register.

EPR is there to encourage businesses to lower their packaging waste as much as possible, and contribute to a more sustainable method of managing their waste.

KB Packaging can help:

Request your packaging weights from us today.

Please be aware packaging weight are only one aspect of EPR obligations, and we always advise you to consult with an official UK government resource for all packaging waste regulations. 

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