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Pallet Wrapping Machines

Starting at the entry-level semi-automatic wrapping machines which are simply “plug and play” with intuitive controls, we supply right up to high-performance power pre-stretch and standard core break turntable machines with fully variable programmes to ensure that any scenario is covered.

With a variety of mast heights and turntable diameters available, we can help you achieve an optimum wrap on a low and heavy pallet right up to a tall, unstable euro pallet. Other accessories such as pallet truck access ramps are also available from KB Packaging.

Coupled with the right pallet wrap film such as Nano pallet wrap, your savings can be huge!

Alternatively, we can offer self-propelled Robot wrappers which are designed for use in a busy operational environment where it isn’t practical to wrap a pallet in one location only.

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Robopac is one of the world’s global leading brands in the pallet wrap machine industry. KB Packaging is a direct distributor in the UK and offers very quick delivery and installation to suit all business sizes and requirements.

If you want to improve pallet wrapping efficiency, reduce your plastic usage, reduce your cost per wrapped pallet and maximise pallet stability have a chat with us about our range of pallet wrap films, and how one of these Robopac Pallet Wrapping Machines can help!

All of the Robopac machines come with a comprehensive warranty and are delivered within 21 working days.

12 months parts and labour warranty. 

The turntables have a 36-month parts warranty.

Robopac offers a wide range of fully automatic and semi-automatic vertical and horizontal packaging solutions:

robots, rotating tables, rotating arms and rotating rings for the stabilization of palletised loads using stretch film and horizontal machines for packaging of panels, kit furniture, assembled furniture, doors, windows, pipes, extruded aluminium and other long and non-palletised products.

FREE Pallet Wrap Analysis Service

KB Packaging offers a complementary pallet wrap analysis service that provides recommendations specific to your operation, based on on-site trials and our experience in the marketplace.

For more information on our pallet wrapper range or for technical advice on load stability please contact our sales team at KB Packaging on 0115 944 1600.

KB Packaging