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Plastic Polypropylene Strapping

Plastic strapping is essential in many warehouses for pallet stability for storage and shipping. Our range features the most popular sizes in the range.

In addition to the range listed there are many more specification and bulk price options for full pallet quantities.

Printing is also available.

Suggested Strapping Guide.
If you are not sure which plastic strapping you need this guide is based on a 1200mm x 1000mm regular pallet 1.2m in height.

Max Pallet Weight 2 Straps 4 Straps
180kg PR130 PR130
250kg PR180 PR130
300kg PR220 PR130
350kg PR300 PR130
400kg PR300 PR180
450kg PR180
500kg PR180
550kg PR220
600kg PR220
650kg PR300
700kg PR300
750kg PR300
800kg PR300
850kg PR300
850kg + Consider Polyester Consider Polyester

Tool Guide
The P330 tensioner can be used with all the 12mm-19mm strapping. Selecting the right Seals and Sealer is important to maintain the correct pallet stability.

Strapping Tensioner Crimper/Seal Seal
PR130 P330 C3304 SO1225
PR180 P330 C3304 SO1225
PR220 P330 C3304 SO1225
PR300 P330 C3304 SO1232HD

What is Plastic Strapping?
Plastic strapping is a high-tensile strength banding material that is used in a wide variety of packaging bundling, carton closing and palletising applications. Plastic strapping is economical, has higher strength with elasticity and is recyclable. Plastic straps are moisture-resistant and effective across a wide temperature range.
What is Plastic Strapping Made From?
Plastic strapping is made from Polypropylene (PP) or Polyester (PET). Nylon is another option however nowadays much less common. Polypropylene strap is typically made from virgin resins or a virgin/recycle blend depending on the quality required for the strap’s intended use. Machine-grade strapping would normally be made from virgin material because of the impact of strap quality on the machine and process efficiency. PET strapping is manufactured with up to 100% recycled content, consisting of recycled bottles or reprocessed pellets since PET can be continually enhanced to near virgin quality between each use.

What is Polypropylene (PP) Strap?
PP strapping is the highest volume plastic strap due to its versatility and low cost. When a standard PP strap is tensioned to its working range, 20-40% of its breaking strength, it typically elongates by about 4-10%, providing tight straps with significant elastic recovery. It is stable from freezing temperatures to the upper range of ambient temperatures. It can also be used for outdoor storage for limited periods. Industry guidelines suggest 30 to 90 days of UV life depending on sun intensity and colour. Black is best for outdoor use. PP strap is water and moisture-resistant. It is used in many general duty applications including for a variety of bundling, carton closing, and palletising requirements.

What is Polyester (PET) Strap?
Polyester strapping is a low elongation plastic strapping with qualities often referred to as “steel-like”. When tensioned to its working range, 20-40% of its breaking strength, standard PET will elongate approximately 2-6%. While this elongation is less than PP, PET maintains initial tension, staying tighter on packages, for a longer period than PP straps. PET is relatively unaffected by temperatures from freezing to the upper levels of ambient temperatures. Standard PET stands up to UV deterioration for several months and special formulations are available if longer storage times are needed. PET is commonly used to secure larger and heavier loads for in-plant transfer, storage and shipment. Its characteristics make it the preferred solution to contain expanding or hard-to-restrain products, packages that tend to settle and products that are warehoused for relatively long periods.

Can plastic strapping be recycled?

Yes, not only does plastic strapping contain 30% or more recycled content it is 100% recyclable and can be recycled along with other rigid recyclable plastics.



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