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Robopac Error Codes

What is a Robopac error code?

Robopac error codes are designed to alert users when the machine encounters an issue. These codes don’t always indicate a malfunction; sometimes, they highlight something requiring attention.

To facilitate troubleshooting, we’ve compiled detailed tables outlining the error codes you might encounter while using a Robopac Pallet Wrapping Machine.

Robopac Roboplat Error Codes

At KB Packaging, we supply the Robopac Roboplat 508 and 708 Pallet Wrappers. Both models share the same set of error codes, making troubleshooting consistent and easy. Below, you’ll find a table listing each error code, the issue it represents, possible causes, and solutions to get your machine back in action.

Error Code Issue Cause Solution
E01 Emergency button activated Emergency mushroom-head button has been pressed Release the button.
E02 Carriage movement blocked Obstacle detected during spool carriage downstroke Remove obstacle and press “Reset.”
E03 Pallet truck emergency Obstacle detected on pallet loading/unloading ramp Remove obstacle and press “Reset.”
E04 Safety protection triggered Safety barriers engaged or door open Address the issue and press “Reset.”
E30 Inverter fault (various systems) Driver or voltage errors (e.g., low power, overheat, or communication errors) Contact technical support.
E60 Film breakage Film is torn, or the spool is empty Replace or reinsert the film.
E61 Table synchronization issue Fault or obstacle preventing table movement Fix the fault or clear the obstacle and press “Reset.”
E64 Carriage blockage Carriage movement is obstructed Clear obstruction and press “Reset.”
E65 Presser blockage Presser movement is obstructed Clear obstruction and press “Reset.”
E71 Presser position error Presser is not in the correct position Adjust the presser and restart the cycle.
E83 MODBUS communication fault Electronic malfunction Contact technical support.

Robopac Masterplat Error Codes

The table below provides a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting Robopac Masterplat Pallet Wrappers. It includes the error codes you may encounter, a description of the issue, the likely causes behind it, and step-by-step solutions to resolve the problem efficiently. Whether you’re addressing a simple adjustment or a more complex fault, this guide is designed to help you keep your operations running smoothly.

Error Code Issue Cause Solution
E01 Emergency button activated Emergency mushroom-head button pressed Reset the button and press “Reset.”
E02 Carriage movement blocked Obstacle detected during the spool carriage downstroke Remove the obstacle and press “Reset.”
E03 Pallet truck emergency Obstacle detected on pallet loading/unloading ramp Remove the obstacle and press “Reset.”
E04 Safety protection triggered Safety barriers engaged or door open Clear the issue and press “Reset.”
E30 Inverter fault Motor issues detected Contact technical support.
E60 Film breakage Film torn or spool empty Replace or reinsert the film.
E61 Table movement blocked Fault or obstacle preventing table movement Fix the issue and press “Reset.”
E83 Communication error Electronic malfunction Contact technical support.

Robopac Ecoplat Error Codes

The following table outlines the error codes for Robopac Masterplat Pallet Wrappers, along with a clear explanation of the issue, its potential causes, and the recommended steps to resolve it. This resource is designed to help you quickly identify and fix any problems to maintain uninterrupted performance.

No. of Flashes Issue Cause Solution
1 Flash Inverter communication error Electronic malfunction Contact technical support
2 Flashes Emergency plate triggered Emergency plate pressed Release the plate and reset the machine
3 Flashes Motor overload Inverter overload Remove the cause of overload, turn the machine off, and then restart
4 Flashes Table movement error Fault or obstacle preventing table movement Clear the fault or obstacle, turn the machine off, and then restart
5 Flashes Film breakage detected Film breakage during wrapping Reattach the film and reset the machine (with R-Connect and film monitoring)
6 Flashes Carriage movement error Fault or obstacle preventing film carriage movement Clear the fault, turn the machine off, and then restart
7 Flashes Pallet missing alarm No pallet detected when starting cycle Place the pallet on the table and start a new cycle

If you’d like further information on the products and service we offer at KB Packaging, get in touch today! You can reach us by calling 0115 944 1600 or by emailing

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